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Dental Centers
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Dental Centers

Choose advanced medical centers, dentists with extensive experience. Dental offices in Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas, Stara Zagora, Veliko arnovo, Pleven. Dentistry, dental surgery, dental laboratories.

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Почистване на Зъбен Камък във Ведра Дентал
Zubnijat kamuk e chesto srestan problem v ustnata grija, koito zasjaga mnojestvo hora po tselija svjat. Tova e tvurdo nalagane ot mineralni nalichestva, koeto se obrazuva vurhu zubite i postepenno...
Апикална остеотомия в Стоматологична клиника Ведра Дентал
Apikalnata osteotomija e hirurgicheska protsedura, izpolzvana v ortopedijata i nevrohirurgijata za korektsija na razlichni sustojanija, svurzani s kostni problemi. Tazi tehnika se izpolzva s tsel da...
Вадене на корен на зъб в Стоматологична клиника "Ведра Дентал
Ekstraktsijata na koren na zub e dentalna protsedura, kojato vkliuchva otstranjavane na korena na zuba ot gnezdoto mu v cheliustnata kost. Vupreki che zubolekarite se stremjat da spasjat estestvenite...
Зъбен Мост в Стоматологична Клиника Ведра Дентал
Kogato stava vupros za zdraveto na zubite, poddurjaneto na pulen nabor ot zubi e ot reshavasto znachenie kakto po funktsionalni, taka i po esteticheski prichini. Zagubata na zubi obache moje da...
Стоматологична Клиника за София
Predlagame goljam obseg na dentalni uslugi za Sofija na konkurentni tseni, koito predlagame na nashite klienti. Mojete da namerite prikacheni snimki s chast ot uslugite ni i tsenite kum tjah, s...
Дентални услуги от “Ведра Дентал”
“Vedra Dental” e stomatologichna klinika s denonostni zubolekari v grad Sofija, j.k. Banishora, ul. Ohrid 21. Razpolagame s nujnoto oborudvane za chastichno ili tsjalostno lechenie i izgrajdane...

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Dental Centers

Choose advanced medical centers, dentists with extensive experience. Dental offices in Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas, Stara Zagora, Veliko arnovo, Pleven. Dentistry, dental surgery, dental laboratories. is not liable for the content in the listings and any effects on third parties in responce to listings published on the site. The listings are posted in real-time which makes it impossible to automatically check the validity of the content. For spam or abuse, please contact us from here!
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