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Be beautiful without compromise. Find the best specialists: manicure, pedicure, makeup, body art, cosmetics, foundation, women's beauty secrets, makeup manufacturers, mascara, eye shadow, makeup for blondes. The most attractive prices.

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Kozmetichni protseduri. Prodajba na lazertna i ultrazzvukova kozmetichna aparatura. Obuchenie za rabota s vseki kozmetichen aparat. JAponsko kachestvo.
Фотоепилация в салон Pretty Lab
Fotoepilatsija predstavljava radikalen metod za premahvane na nejelanoto okosmjavane s pomostta na vuzdeistvie vurhu nego s visokochestotni svetlinni impulsi ( IPL ). Melaninut (pigment, koito se...
Термажен лифтинг на лице в салон Pretty Lab
Termolifting (tip Thermage) e nai-moderen metod, spetsialno prednaznachen za da pomogne na zastarjavastata koja da vuzvurne bivshata si mladost i elastichnost bez hirurgicheska namesa. Tozi metod se...
Мезотерапия безиглена с ампула по избор плюс масаж и хидратираща маска
Kojata na litseto ima nujda ot podhranvane. Podmladjavane s Mezoterapija dava neverojatna hidratatsija, svejest, bljasuk i lifting efekt. Aktivira regeneratsionnite mehanizmi na...
Фотоподмладяване на лице в салон Pretty Lab
Fotopodmladjavaneto e edna ot nai-efektivnite protseduri za otstranjavane na kojni problemi, vuzniknali ot stareene. Rezultat: povishavane na elastichnostta na kojata, podobrjavane na tena na...
Най-добрата диета
Hranitelnoto razstroistvo e psihichno razstroistvo, koeto prechi na normalnata konsumatsija na hrana. Definira se ot neobichaini hranitelni navitsi i misli za hrana nai-dobrata dieta, koito...

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Be beautiful without compromise. Find the best specialists: manicure, pedicure, makeup, body art, cosmetics, foundation, women's beauty secrets, makeup manufacturers, mascara, eye shadow, makeup for blondes. The most attractive prices. is not liable for the content in the listings and any effects on third parties in responce to listings published on the site. The listings are posted in real-time which makes it impossible to automatically check the validity of the content. For spam or abuse, please contact us from here!
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